Drugs beginning with S-Sn
- S-2
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Adrenergic (Inhalation)
- S-P-T
MedMaster - Thyroid
- S-T Cort
USP DI - Corticosteroids Low Potency (Topical)
- S-T Forte 2
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- S.A.S. Enteric-500
USP DI - Sulfasalazine (Systemic)
- S.A.S.-500
USP DI - Sulfasalazine (Systemic)
- Sabin vaccine
USP DI - Poliovirus Vaccine (Systemic)
- Sabril
USP DI - Vigabatrin (Systemic)
- Sacrosidase (Systemic)
USP DI - Sacrosidase (Systemic)
- Safe Tussin 30
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Saizen
USP DI - Growth Hormone (Systemic)
- Sal-Acid Plaster
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Sal-Clens Plus Shampoo
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Sal-Clens Shampoo
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Sal-Plant Gel Topical Solution
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Salac
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Salacid
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Salactic Film Topical Solution
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Salagen
USP DI - Pilocarpine (Systemic)
- Salazopyrin
USP DI - Sulfasalazine (Systemic)
- Salazopyrin EN-Tabs
USP DI - Sulfasalazine (Systemic)
- salazosulfapyridine
USP DI - Sulfasalazine (Systemic)
- Salbutamol
MedMaster - Albuterol
- Saleto
USP DI - Acetaminophen and Salicylates (Systemic)
- Salflex
MedMaster - Salsalate
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- Salgesic
MedMaster - Salsalate
- Salicylates (Systemic)
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- salicylazosulfapyridine
USP DI - Sulfasalazine (Systemic)
- Salicylic Acid (Topical)
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- salicylic acid acetate
USP DI - Dipyridamole and Aspirin (Systemic)
- Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
USP DI - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
- Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, and Coal Tar (Topical)
USP DI - Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, and Coal Tar (Topical)
- salicylsalicylic acid
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- Saligel
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Salk vaccine
USP DI - Poliovirus Vaccine (Systemic)
- Salmeterol
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Adrenergic (Inhalation)
- Salmeterol Oral Inhalation
MedMaster - Salmeterol Oral Inhalation
- Salofalk
USP DI - Mesalamine (Oral)
USP DI - Mesalamine (Rectal)
- Salonil
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Salsalate
MedMaster - Salsalate
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- Salsitab
MedMaster - Salsalate
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- Saluron
USP DI - Diuretics, Thiazide (Systemic)
- Samarium Sm 153 Lexidronam (Therapeutic)
USP DI - Samarium Sm 153 Lexidronam (Therapeutic)
- Sandimmune
USP DI - Cyclosporine (Systemic)
MedMaster - Cyclosporine
- Sandimmune Injection
MedMaster - Cyclosporine Injection
- Sandoglobulin
MedMaster - Immune Globulin Intravenous Injection
USP DI - Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) (Systemic)
- SandoSource Peptide
USP DI - Enteral Nutrition Formulas (Systemic)
- Sandostatin
USP DI - Octreotide (Systemic)
MedMaster - Octreotide Injection
- Sandostatin LAR Depot
USP DI - Octreotide (Systemic)
- SangCya
USP DI - Cyclosporine (Systemic)
- Sani-Supp
USP DI - Laxatives (Rectal)
- Sanorex
USP DI - Appetite Suppressants, Sympathomimetic (Systemic)
- Sans-Acne
USP DI - Erythromycin (Topical)
- Sansert
USP DI - Methysergide (Systemic)
- Saquinavir
MedMaster - Saquinavir
- Saquinavir (Systemic)
USP DI - Saquinavir (Systemic)
- Sarafem
MedMaster - Fluoxetine
USP DI - Fluoxetine (Systemic)
- Sargramostim
USP DI - Colony Stimulating Factors (Systemic)
- Sargramostim Injection
MedMaster - Sargramostim Injection
- Sarisol No. 2
USP DI - Barbiturates (Systemic)
- Sarna HC 1.0%
USP DI - Corticosteroids Low Potency (Topical)
- SAStid Soap
USP DI - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
- Scheinpharm Testone-Cyp
USP DI - Androgens (Systemic)
- Scheinpharm Triamcine-A
USP DI - Corticosteroids Glucocorticoid Effects (Systemic)
- Sclerosol
USP DI - Talc (Intrapleural-Local)
- Scopolamine
USP DI - Atropine, Homatropine, and Scopolamine (Ophthalmic)
USP DI - Anticholinergics/Antispasmodics (Systemic)
- Scopolamine Patch
MedMaster - Scopolamine Patch
- Scot-Tussin DM
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Scot-tussin Expectorant
USP DI - Guaifenesin (Systemic)
- Scot-Tussin Original 5-Action Cold Formula
USP DI - Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Scot-Tussin Senior Clear
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- SD Deprenyl
USP DI - Selegiline (Systemic)
- sea snake antivenom
USP DI - Antivenin, Sea Snake (Systemic)
- sea wasp antivenom
USP DI - Antivenin, Box Jellyfish (Systemic)
- Seba-Nil Liquid Cleanser
USP DI - Alcohol and Acetone (Topical)
- Sebex
USP DI - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
- Sebex-T Tar Shampoo
USP DI - Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, and Coal Tar (Topical)
- Sebucare
USP DI - Salicylic Acid (Topical)
- Sebulex
USP DI - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
- Sebulex (Regular)
USP DI - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
- Sebulex (with Conditioners)
USP DI - Salicylic Acid and Sulfur (Topical)
- Sebulon
USP DI - Pyrithione (Topical)
- Sebutone
USP DI - Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, and Coal Tar (Topical)
- Secobarbital
MedMaster - Secobarbital
USP DI - Barbiturates (Systemic)
- Secobarbital and Amobarbital
USP DI - Barbiturates (Systemic)
- Seconal
MedMaster - Secobarbital
USP DI - Barbiturates (Systemic)
- Sectral
MedMaster - Acebutolol
USP DI - Beta-adrenergic Blocking Agents (Systemic)
- Sedapap
USP DI - Butalbital and Acetaminophen (Systemic)
- Sele-Pak
USP DI - Selenium Supplements (Systemic)
- Select 1/35
USP DI - Estrogens and Progestins Oral Contraceptives (Systemic)
- Selegiline
MedMaster - Selegiline
- Selegiline (Systemic)
USP DI - Selegiline (Systemic)
- Selegiline-5
USP DI - Selegiline (Systemic)
- Selenious Acid
USP DI - Selenium Supplements (Systemic)
- Selenium
USP DI - Selenium Supplements (Systemic)
- Selenium Sulfide
MedMaster - Selenium Sulfide
- Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selenium Supplements (Systemic)
USP DI - Selenium Supplements (Systemic)
- Selepen
USP DI - Selenium Supplements (Systemic)
- Selestoject
USP DI - Corticosteroids Glucocorticoid Effects (Systemic)
- Selexid
USP DI - Penicillins (Systemic)
- Selsun
MedMaster - Selenium Sulfide
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selsun Blue
MedMaster - Selenium Sulfide
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selsun Blue Dry Formula
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selsun Blue Extra Conditioning Formula
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selsun Blue Extra Medicated Formula
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selsun Blue Oily Formula
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Selsun Blue Regular Formula
USP DI - Selenium Sulfide (Topical)
- Semicid
USP DI - Spermicides (Vaginal)
- Semilente insulin, S
USP DI - Insulin (Systemic)
- Semprex-D
USP DI - Antihistamines and Decongestants (Systemic)
- Senexon
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Senna
MedMaster - Stimulant Laxatives
- Senna-Gen
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Sennosides
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Sennosides and Docusate
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Senokot
MedMaster - Stimulant Laxatives
- Senokot Children's Syrup
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- SenoKot XTRA
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Senokot-S
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- SenokotXTRA
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Senolax
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- SensoGARD Canker Sore Relief
USP DI - Anesthetics (Dental)
- Sensorcaine
USP DI - Anesthetics (Parenteral-Local)
- Sensorcaine Forte
USP DI - Anesthetics (Parenteral-Local)
- Sensorcaine-MPF
USP DI - Anesthetics (Parenteral-Local)
- Sensorcaine-MPF Spinal
USP DI - Anesthetics (Parenteral-Local)
- Sential
USP DI - Corticosteroids Low Potency (Topical)
- Septocaine
USP DI - Anesthetics (Parenteral-Local)
- Septra
USP DI - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (Systemic)
- Septra DS
USP DI - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (Systemic)
- Septra DS (double strength) Oral
MedMaster - Co-trimoxazole Oral
- Septra Grape Suspension
USP DI - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (Systemic)
- Septra I.V.
USP DI - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (Systemic)
- Septra Injection
MedMaster - Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Injection
- Septra Oral
MedMaster - Co-trimoxazole Oral
- Septra Suspension
USP DI - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (Systemic)
- Ser-A-Gen
USP DI - Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide (Systemic)
- Ser-Ap-Es
MedMaster - Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide
USP DI - Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide (Systemic)
- Seralazide
USP DI - Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide (Systemic)
- Serathide
MedMaster - Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide
- Serax
MedMaster - Oxazepam
USP DI - Benzodiazepines (Systemic)
- Sereen
MedMaster - Chlordiazepoxide
- Serentil
MedMaster - Mesoridazine Oral
USP DI - Phenothiazines (Systemic)
- Serentil Concentrate
USP DI - Phenothiazines (Systemic)
- Serevent
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Adrenergic (Inhalation)
- Serevent Diskhaler
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Adrenergic (Inhalation)
- Serevent Diskus
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Adrenergic (Inhalation)
MedMaster - Salmeterol Oral Inhalation
- Sermorelin (Systemic)
USP DI - Sermorelin (Systemic)
- Sero-Gesic
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- Seromycin
USP DI - Cycloserine (Systemic)
- Serophene
USP DI - Clomiphene (Systemic)
- Seroquel
MedMaster - Quetiapine
USP DI - Quetiapine (Systemic)
- Serostim
USP DI - Growth Hormone (Systemic)
- Serpalan
MedMaster - Reserpine
USP DI - Rauwolfia Alkaloids (Systemic)
- Serpasil
MedMaster - Reserpine
USP DI - Rauwolfia Alkaloids (Systemic)
- Serpazide
USP DI - Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide (Systemic)
- Sertan
USP DI - Primidone (Systemic)
- Sertraline
MedMaster - Sertraline
- Sertraline (Systemic)
USP DI - Sertraline (Systemic)
- Serutan
MedMaster - Psyllium
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Serutan Toasted Granules
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Serzone
MedMaster - Nefazodone
USP DI - Nefazodone (Systemic)
- Sevelamer
MedMaster - Sevelamer
- Sevelamer (Oral)
USP DI - Sevelamer (Oral)
- Sevoflurane (Inhalation-Systemic)
USP DI - Sevoflurane (Inhalation-Systemic)
- Sevorane
USP DI - Sevoflurane (Inhalation-Systemic)
- Shade Oil-Free Gel
USP DI - Sunscreen Agents (Topical)
- Shade Sunblock
USP DI - Sunscreen Agents (Topical)
- Shade Sunblock Oil-Free
USP DI - Sunscreen Agents (Topical)
- Shade UVA Guard
USP DI - Sunscreen Agents (Topical)
- Shade Waterproof Sunblock
USP DI - Sunscreen Agents (Topical)
- Shield Burnasept Spray
USP DI - Anesthetics (Topical)
- Shogan
USP DI - Antihistamines, Phenothiazine-derivative (Systemic)
- Shovite
USP DI - Vitamin B 12 (Systemic)
- Shur-Seal
USP DI - Spermicides (Vaginal)
- Sibelium
USP DI - Calcium Channel Blocking Agents (Systemic)
- Siblan
MedMaster - Psyllium
- Sibutramine
MedMaster - Sibutramine
- Sibutramine (Systemic)
USP DI - Sibutramine (Systemic)
- Silace
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Silace-C
USP DI - Laxatives (Oral)
- Siladryl
USP DI - Antihistamines (Systemic)
- Silafed
USP DI - Antihistamines and Decongestants (Systemic)
- Sildec-DM
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Sildenafil
MedMaster - Sildenafil
- Sildenafil (Systemic)
USP DI - Sildenafil (Systemic)
- Silexin Cough
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Silicone Oil 5000 Centistokes (Parenteral-Local)
USP DI - Silicone Oil 5000 Centistokes (Parenteral-Local)
- Siltussin DM
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Silvadene
USP DI - Silver Sulfadiazine (Topical)
MedMaster - Silver Sulfadiazine
- Silver Sulfadiazine
MedMaster - Silver Sulfadiazine
- Silver Sulfadiazine (Topical)
USP DI - Silver Sulfadiazine (Topical)
- Simaal 2 Gel
USP DI - Antacids (Oral)
- Simaal Gel
USP DI - Antacids (Oral)
- Simethicone
MedMaster - Simethicone
- Simethicone (Oral)
USP DI - Simethicone (Oral)
- Similac 13
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac 20
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac 24
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac 27
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac Natural Care Human Milk Fortifier
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac PM 60/40
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac Special Care 20
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac Special Care 24
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac Special Care with Iron 24
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac with Iron 20
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Similac with Iron 24
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- Simron
USP DI - Iron Supplements (Systemic)
- Simulect
USP DI - Basiliximab (Systemic)
- Simvastatin
MedMaster - Simvastatin
USP DI - HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Systemic)
- Sinarest
USP DI - Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinarest No-Drowsiness Caplets
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sincalide (Diagnostic)
USP DI - Sincalide (Diagnostic)
- Sine-Aid Maximum Strength
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sine-Aid Maximum Strength Caplets
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sine-Off Maximum Strength No Drowsiness Formula Caplets
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sine-Off Sinus Medicine Caplets
USP DI - Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinemet
MedMaster - Levodopa and Carbidopa
USP DI - Levodopa (Systemic)
- Sinemet CR
USP DI - Levodopa (Systemic)
- Sinequan
MedMaster - Doxepin
USP DI - Antidepressants, Tricyclic (Systemic)
- Singlet for Adults
USP DI - Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Singulair
MedMaster - Montelukast
USP DI - Montelukast (Systemic)
- Sintrom
USP DI - Anticoagulants (Systemic)
- Sinufed Timecelles
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Sinumist-SR
USP DI - Guaifenesin (Systemic)
- Sinus-Relief
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinutab
MedMaster - Pseudoephedrine
- Sinutab Extra Strength Caplets
USP DI - Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinutab No Drowsiness Caplets
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinutab No Drowsiness Extra Strength Caplets
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinutab Non-Drying No Drowsiness Liquid Caps
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Sinutab Regular Caplets
USP DI - Antihistamines, Decongestants, and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinutab Sinus Allergy
MedMaster - Chlorpheniramine
- Sinutab Sinus Maximum Strength Without Drowsiness
USP DI - Decongestants and Analgesics (Systemic)
- Sinutab with Codeine
USP DI - Cough/Cold Combinations (Systemic)
- Sirolimus
MedMaster - Sirolimus
- Sirolimus (Systemic)
USP DI - Sirolimus (Systemic)
- Skelaxin
MedMaster - Metaxalone
USP DI - Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (Systemic)
- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (Systemic)
USP DI - Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (Systemic)
- Skelex
USP DI - Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (Systemic)
- Skelid
MedMaster - Tiludronate
USP DI - Tiludronate (Systemic)
- Sleep-Eze D
USP DI - Antihistamines (Systemic)
- Sleep-Eze D Extra Strength
USP DI - Antihistamines (Systemic)
- Slo-bid
MedMaster - Theophylline
- Slo-Bid Gyrocaps
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Theophylline (Systemic)
- Slo-Niacin
USP DI - Niacin (Vitamin B 3) (Systemic)
USP DI - Niacin For High Cholesterol (Systemic)
- Slo-Phyllin
USP DI - Bronchodilators, Theophylline (Systemic)
MedMaster - Theophylline
- Slo-Phyllin GG
USP DI - Theophylline and Guaifenesin (Systemic)
- Sloprin
USP DI - Salicylates (Systemic)
- Slow Fe
MedMaster - Ferrous Sulfate (Iron)
USP DI - Iron Supplements (Systemic)
- Slow-K
MedMaster - Potassium
USP DI - Potassium Supplements (Systemic)
- Slow-Mag
USP DI - Magnesium Supplements (Systemic)
- Slow-Trasicor
USP DI - Beta-adrenergic Blocking Agents (Systemic)
- SMA 13
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- SMA 20
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- SMA 24
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- SMA 27
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- SMA Lo-Iron 13
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- SMA Lo-Iron 20
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- SMA Lo-Iron 24
USP DI - Infant Formulas (Systemic)
- smelling salts
USP DI - Ammonia Spirit, Aromatic (Systemic)
- SMX-TMP Injection
MedMaster - Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Injection
USP DI - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim (Systemic)
- Snaplets-FR
USP DI - Acetaminophen (Systemic)